About.The SlatJack adjustable center support leg is designed for bed slats or furniture that needs extra strength to fix, prevent, or underpin sagging issues. Developed and designed by BED CLAW, the SlatJack acts as a jack for your bed or furniture to prevent or correct sagging. Used with wood slats on your bed, the SlatJack adds years of comfortable sleep and is the #1 solution for sagging mattresses.
eCommerce established in 1995We started off in manufacturing many years ago in furniture and bedding. Facing technological and economic realities, we began expanding into eCommerce in 1995.
Our GoalOur goal is to provide customers with the best products at the best prices, along with a Lifetime Service Policy, and PRIMO Fast & Free Shipping. Whatever you purchase, we strive to give you the solutions you need that work for you.
The Original BedCLAW Unibody Support leg has a height adjustable range from 6 1/2" and 10" or between 11 1/2" and 14 3/4"
The New SlatJack BedCLAW Unibody Support leg has a height adjustable range from 6 1/2" continuously through about 14 3/4" high.
Sold in Sets of 2 and multiples thereof |
Slat Jack can save the night.
Don’t get embarrassed with the love of your life in bed with you when your bed collapses. Bed Claw SlatJack Adjustable Center Support Legs work for you to help correct sagging mattress problems to avoid having moments that should be avoided. Stay protected, get SlatJack for your bed and avoid the embarrassment. |
We're Here for You 24/7 |
Sagging mattress is the #1 complaint.
This is because sagging beds become uncomfortable and may cause loss of sleep or back pain. Mattresses begin to sag because of gravity, weight and activity placed upon the bed on a daily basis. Some newer mattresses are so thick and heavy, they begin to sag sooner. Stay protected, get SlatJack for your bed and avoid the interruption. |
© 2021 Wallace Flynn Inc | All Rights Reserved | SlatJack.com
SlatJack™ is a trademark of WALLACE FLYNN INC
SlatJack™ is a trademark of WALLACE FLYNN INC